Reflections on the Climate Change - E Street Artists
February 29 - April 11, 2020 EXTENDED THROUGH APRIL 25TH
This exhibition is a collection of artwork by the E Street Artists inspired by our planet's climate and the effects of our collective human impact on the Earth.Featuring both fears and hopes for the future the artists have created works that highlight the Earth's unique beauty.Each artist has a statement along with their artwork that explains how their artwork relates to the concept of the impact of climate change on our earth.
E Street Artists include
Cheryl Ann Bearss - Feriel Bensalem - Terry Birkel - Paul G. Cunningham - Jean Eckert - Kaitlin Forester - Aurie Hall - Leslie Harris - Baxton Hwang - Sabiha Iqbal - Sharapat Kessler - Guillermo Muňoz - Denise Paolella - Kira Romano - Jasmin Smith - Suzanne Stack - Nimi Trehan - Heather Urban - Harriet Weiner- Ken Weinstein
Opening reception: Saturday, February 29, 5 - 7:30pm
Evening with the Artists: Tuesday, March 10, 6 - 7:30pm CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19
Evening with the Artists: Wednesday, March 25, 6 - 7:30pm CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19